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Collared Peccary

The Collared Peccary, also known as Javelina or Tayaussa, is a medium-sized mammal native to the Americas, particularly found in the Southwestern United States, Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America. They are not pigs, although they resemble them in appearance and behavior. Here are some key facts about the Collared Peccary:

Physical Characteristics
  • Size: They typically measure around 3 to 4 feet in length and weigh between 35 to 60 pounds.
  • Appearance: They have a dark gray coat with a lighter-colored 'collar' around the neck, which gives them their name.
  • Tusks: They have sharp tusks that protrude from the mouth, used for defense and rooting for food.
Habitat and Behavior
  • Habitat: Collared Peccaries are adaptable and can live in a variety of environments, from arid regions to rainforests.
  • Social Structure: They are social animals and typically live in groups called herds or squadrons, which can consist of up to 50 individuals.
  • Diet: Their diet is omnivorous, consisting of roots, fruits, nuts, seeds, and occasionally small animals.
Interaction with Humans
  • Hunting: In some areas, they are hunted for sport and their meat.
  • Conflict: They can sometimes become a nuisance in suburban areas, rummaging through garbage or damaging gardens.
  • Conservation Status: Generally, they are not considered endangered, although their populations are affected by habitat loss and hunting in some areas.
Interesting Facts
  • Communication: Collared Peccaries are known for their strong social bonds and communicate with various sounds like grunts and barks.
  • Scent Glands: They have a distinctive musky odor due to scent glands located on their back, which they use to mark territory and recognize other members of their herd.
  • Predators: Their natural predators include cougars, jaguars, and alligators, depending on their geographic location.


While the Collared Peccary is not currently facing a critical threat of extinction, their populations are influenced by factors such as habitat destruction and hunting pressures. Conservation efforts focus on habitat preservation and regulated hunting practices to ensure their populations remain stable. 

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