The purpose of this is to show the limited but available opportunities to hunt private land in a DIY or Semi-Guided fash...

The purpose of this is to show the limited but available opportunities to hunt private land in a DIY or Semi-Guided fashion. We all know what isn't on private land on opening day soon leaves the public land and moves to the private land. We are tired of walking all day and not seeing a thing on public land and if we do get extremely lucky, they are usually 1 or 2 year old animals that have not learned about hunting.

Animals soon learn that being on private land where hunter number are managed, is where they find after being bumped repedidly finally find safety and in most cases, greener grass, better water and better cover, their bare necessities. During the rut you can add more does to attract more and bigger bucks.

Hunting success is always a gamble with things that you cannot control biting into your success as weather, and season dates, and even getting licenses as in the west. Which without a license none of the above mentioned items even matter? Stats show that hunters that hunt public land have a 3% or lower success rate. Of course the states don't publicize that because they want the license money and don't really care where you hunt, they have the license money, and they don't need to provide any success guarantee. To them, they are Las Vegas and you are at the craps game, "if you crap out, then you are done", and they still have their license.

No one wants to walk around for a week with a rifle over their shoulder, dump money into guns, ammo, lodging, meals, travel, and not see a animal.

If I missed someone, then please check, the military will let you do that and they will even pay you and provide meals, lodging, travel for free.

For the rest of us wanting to bring home horns and meat from a successful hunt, private land hunting is the way to go and enjoy every hunt.

That is what we are about, increasing the enjoyment of your hunting.

Keep in mind that in reality the landowner that paid for his land, pays taxes, manages the food, cover, wildlife, and hunters on his land is due some level of payment depending on not as much the land as the animal that he can hold on the land, size and population density.

Now if you follow me this is fair in today's world, then if not go back to praying you will be one of the 3% success on public land not your normal 97% you will almost certainly be the part of.

Anyway back to private land, we look 12 month a year for these private land properties, then get them at a discount. Then we pass the discount on to the hunters. If this is what you are interested in along with cancellation buys, specials thn look privately at the web site and see what is offered. Let me know what you are looking for and archery, rifle, muzzleloader, shotgun or pistol and I will personally send the best options to your email. If you have more details that you would like to share please feel free to call me direct and HuntPost members as for Greg, its easy to remember it is just like the owner of this web site, Huntpost website, not the same person but the same name. Email me  [email protected] or I am ok with a phone call at 303-776-7528 (Note the web page changes daily as new hunting opportunities come in and other hunts sell out for the season.  We completely fill every hunt we have every year so there is a lot of moving around of hunts. So if you find one that does not open it is probably in the process of being updated, please contact me and I will personally email it to you. 


I always wish you good luck, and good hunting.

Remember: Sunup in the Woods is Gods way of saying, “Play it again Sam!”

Greg Merriam, CEO of Discounted Hunts and Vouchers, Colorado and 28 other good hunting states.

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