You know how much you have invested in your adventure. Not only in the cost of the trip, but in the time and money you h...

You know how much you have invested in your adventure. Not only in the cost of the trip, but in the time and money you have put into the preparation and the countless hours you have practiced and dreamed of what is to come . . . not to mention the memories you and those who matter most to you will carry long after the adventure itself is a blissful memory. And you know the best way to preserve those memories is with the finest taxidermy in the world. From the Original Jonas Brothers Taxidermy Studios in Colorado.


We will work with you BEFORE your trip even begins, providing you with all the forms and shipping materials you need to send your most valued skins, horns, antlers, tusks and skulls directly to us in Colorado. With NO middle men involved. And when you are back home and finally ready to relive your adventures and share them with those who mean the most to you, you will be thankful that the Original Jonas Brothers Taxidermy Studios is such a key part of your life.

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