Christ-Centered. Boy-Focused. Trail Life USA is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship...

Christ-Centered. Boy-Focused.

Trail Life USA is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure, boys from Kindergarten through 12th grade are engaged in a Troop setting by male mentors where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created.

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  • Trail Life USA uploaded a new video
    Watch how to build an a-frame shelter using some useful knots!
    Constructing an Emergency Shelter - Trail Hacks
    Learn survival skills by selecting a safe location to build an emergency shelter. Don't miss this episode of Trail Hacks as the Wild Brothers build an a-frame shelter and teach how to tie several useful knots!

    Every other Wednesday, the Wild Brothers share a Trail Hack here on YouTube, at, and in Trail...
    Learn survival skills by selecting a safe location to build an emergency shelter. Don't miss this episode of Trail Hacks as the Wild Brothers build an a-frame shelter and teach how to tie several useful knots!

    Every other Wednesday, the Wild Brothers share a Trail Hack here on YouTube, at, and in Trail Life University.

    Hit the like button, subscribe to our channel, and follow us on facebook and instagram to make sure you never miss a video!

    Thanks for watching, we'll see you next time!
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  • Trail Life USA uploaded a new video
    Join the Wild Brothers and learn the proper techniques for cooking fish over a campfire. For more Trail Hacks content, visit:
    Cooking Fish Over a Campfire - Trail Hacks
    Learn the proper technique to prep, fillet, and cook fish effectively over the campfire on this week’s episode of Trail Hacks!

    Every other Wednesday, the Wild Brothers share a Trail Hack here on YouTube, at, and in Trail Life University.

    Hit the like button, subscribe to our channel, and follow us on...
    Learn the proper technique to prep, fillet, and cook fish effectively over the campfire on this week’s episode of Trail Hacks!

    Every other Wednesday, the Wild Brothers share a Trail Hack here on YouTube, at, and in Trail Life University.

    Hit the like button, subscribe to our channel, and follow us on facebook and instagram to make sure you never miss a video!

    Thanks for watching, we'll see you next time!
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  • Trail Life USA uploaded a new video
    Learn hand-line fishing techniques from the Wild Brothers! For more Trail Hacks content, visit:
    Hand-line Fishing - Trail Hacks
    You too can fish without a fishing pole! Learn as the Wild Brothers show how to select bait fish, locate fishing holes, and catch fish using the hand-line technique.

    Every other Wednesday, the Wild Brothers share a Trail Hack here on YouTube, at, and in Trail Life University.

    Hit the like button,...
    You too can fish without a fishing pole! Learn as the Wild Brothers show how to select bait fish, locate fishing holes, and catch fish using the hand-line technique.

    Every other Wednesday, the Wild Brothers share a Trail Hack here on YouTube, at, and in Trail Life University.

    Hit the like button, subscribe to our channel, and follow us on facebook and instagram to make sure you never miss a video!

    Thanks for watching, we'll see you next time!
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