Premium Select Supplies offers a great selection of shooting accessories.  We also offer Bagmaster shooting bags which ...

Premium Select Supplies offers a great selection of shooting accessories. 

We also offer Bagmaster shooting bags which are great for storing and transporting all your firearms whether a handgun or long gun. We also stock a wide variety of gun holsters made by Bagmaster or Versacarry. Each of these items are high quality and Made in USA.

We also stock Bulldog Cases which offer a line of concealed carry purses to check out. These purse are well made and come in different sizes and colors to fit your needs. We have also added Allen Company items which give us products for ear and eye protection, treestand accessories, targets and gun socks.

Keep your handguns safe while at home or the office with our Bulldog Vaults and trigger locks. The trigger locks are available with keyed or combination locks. The vaults start small with a vault that will easily fit in your car up to a vault with shelves to hold your handguns as well as other small items you want to keep safe. These vaults are available with key locks, combination locks or a biometric fingerprint lock.

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