By HuntPost on Thursday, 21 April 2022
Category: Bowhunting.Net

Tim Wells Bowhunts Mexico Predators

I don’t know Tim Wells but I’ve featured a bunch of his bowhunting videos on over the years. He travels all over and bowhunts all kinds of wild game. Today he is taking us to Mexico to bow hunt native predators in the Mexican desert.

In this video Tim Wells is using a FOXPRO Game Caller and you get to see first hand how effective this electronic game caller works. The pic below is the remote controll for the FoxPro.

Here is the FoxPro electronic game caller clipped to a branch. This caller is incredibly good. Tim demonstrates how to use it for calling predators. And tells you some tricks that will up your coyote calling success.

And … if you’re wondering if you can cook and eat predator meat, you get the answer in this video,

Tim Wells bowhunts coyotes on the ground and situates himself in the shadows. And as you will know as you watch this video, it works.

Tim Wells Bow Hunter Videos


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