By HuntPost on Thursday, 01 February 2024
Category: Bowhunting.Net

Stop the Slaughter




Wolves are a hot-button issue with me.  If I could snap my finger and erase every wolf on earth, you’d think popcorn was exploding.  They are horrendous killers that eat their prey alive.  The picture above shows no mark on the young fawn’s neck.  That’s because wild dogs eat flesh until the sheer pain of the carnage overwhelms the victim’s system, and the animal expires.

Drastic Impact

Listing the grey wolf on the Endangered Species List was originally intended to bring the population into balance.  Once achieved, wolves would be managed by the states like all other wild game.  Unfortunately, the same lunacy that brings us open borders and wants to castrate your son or daughter, hates hunting prevents wolf control through the courts and legislation.  In Yellowstone National Park, wolf populations have grown from 14 in the mid 1990’s to 120 today, a 750% rise.  Elk, what leftists like to call prey species, have plummeted from 20,000 to 5,000 in the same time period, a 75% drop.  Moose populations have dropped from 1,000 to 200, an 80% population decrease.

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