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Roosevelt Elk

Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) are a subspecies of elk that are native to the Pacific Northwest region of North America. They are named after President Theodore Roosevelt, who played a significant role in conservation efforts during his time in office. Here are some key characteristics and information about Roosevelt elk:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size: Roosevelt elk are the largest of all elk subspecies. Adult males (bulls) can weigh between 700 to 1,100 pounds (320 to 500 kilograms), while adult females (cows) typically weigh between 500 to 700 pounds (230 to 320 kilograms).
  • Coat: They have a dark brown to blackish coat, which can appear almost black in certain lighting conditions. Their fur is often long and shaggy, especially during the winter months.


  • Roosevelt elk bulls typically have impressive antlers. These antlers are characterized by their large size and multiple tines or points. The antlers can be quite massive and are a distinguishing feature of mature bulls.

Range and Habitat:

  • Roosevelt elk are primarily found in the coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest, particularly in the states of Oregon and Washington. They also inhabit parts of northern California, British Columbia, and Alaska.
  • Their preferred habitats include dense temperate rainforests, coniferous forests, and coastal marshlands. They are often associated with old-growth and mature forests.


  • Roosevelt elk tend to exhibit more solitary and reclusive behavior compared to some other elk subspecies. They are often found in smaller family groups or as solitary individuals.
  • During the breeding season, known as the rut, bulls become more active and vocal. They use bugling calls to attract females and establish dominance over competing males.


  • Their diet consists of a variety of plant materials, including grasses, sedges, shrubs, and tree bark. They are browsers, feeding on a wide range of vegetation.

Conservation Status:

  • Roosevelt elk populations are generally stable and healthy within their native range. However, habitat loss and fragmentation due to human development and logging can impact local populations.

Recreational Hunting:

  • Roosevelt elk are a popular target for big game hunters in the Pacific Northwest. Their large size and impressive antlers make them a sought-after game species.

Roosevelt elk are an iconic species of the Pacific Northwest and play a significant ecological role in their forested habitats. They are admired for their majestic appearance and are an important part of the region's natural heritage. Conservation efforts are in place to protect their habitats and ensure their continued presence in the wild. 

Elk Sausage

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