By HuntPost on Sunday, 15 October 2023
Category: Bowhunting.Net

Opening Day #2

After reading Robbie Ceamer’s Text John and I drove to meet him and take pictures of his deer harvest from this morning. It was at the area that unfortunately became called “Double Cross.” Robbie walked to the ‘D.C.’ area before daylight and got inside his pop-up ground blind that’s surrounded by brush and green woods weeds.

While we were recovering John’s wild hog Robbie was watching a nearby doe walking out of the trees toward his position. When it stopped the doe was 10 yards away. Robbie drew his bow and aimed carefully at the vitals.

The shot was perfect and the doe jumped forward two steps and went down for the count. Robbie rigged his iPhone on a small tree and took a few time-delay photos.

Then he texted me about his morning bowhunt. A few minutes later a 3rd text showed up on my phone and  and a supper mature, old buck was being brought into camp.

Original link