By HuntPost on Monday, 08 August 2022
Category: Bowhunting.Net

Hot To Cook Fried Rabbit Or Stew

(from Robert Hoague) My Grandmother Clara Hoague was unbeatable at home-style cooking. One of her specialties was Fried Rabbit. And me and my bow and arrows supplied rabbits for lots of our family meals. When I saw this YouTube video and noted how Cowboy Kent Rawlins prepared and cooked rabbit it really took me back to some of the most memorable times in my life.

In fact, after the other members of our family had passed on, Grandma and I continued to share holidays, birthdays and other special times together — and we always ate our favorite meal, fried rabbit, mashed potatoes and her homemade pie. The rabbit part was a joint effort, I got ’em and she made them delicious with her breading and cast iron skillet.

I would give anything to share one more of Grandma’s wonderful, savory meals of fried rabbit with her.

Robert Hoague


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