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Four great books to help you plan your next outdoor adventure

Books to build knowledge and anticipation.
Books to build knowledge and anticipation. (Lê Tân via Unsplash/)

No matter how enthusiastic you or your friends and family may be, it’s always a good idea to plan before heading into the woods. If you’re not sure where to go or what to do, or if you need a little guidance with your kids, we have the books for you. And even if you’re a pro, but would like to improve, we have an option for you.

Take them with you.
Take them with you. (Amazon/)

Everything you need to know about camping with kids is in this book. It has information about preparation, logistics, activities, and food. Some of the tips might seem like common sense, but even people who have camped for years will find value in this. Camping with kids—especially young children—is a different kind of adventure. Don’t go in unprepared.

Prepare like dinner depends on it.
Prepare like dinner depends on it. (Amazon/)

Maybe those prepared meals in bags are all you need for a happy backpacking trip. But if you’re like most of us, chili mac and cheese is only enticing for so long. Why don’t you start dehydrating your own food? This cookbook walks you through everything you need to know about dehydrating and reconstituting food for any adventure in the woods. They’re nutritious, mouthwatering, and foster self-sufficiency.

Let someone tell you what you need.
Let someone tell you what you need. (Amazon/)

Sometimes it’s nice to open a book, look up an activity, and see what you’re supposed to bring. Sure, you’ll likely modify the list to fit you and your family, but look to this book as a template. It will offer you suggestions for what you need for camping, hiking, and backpacking. It also has lists to help you troubleshoot a crisis in the wilderness, helping you expect (and plan for) the unexpected.

Plan, then go.
Plan, then go. (Amazon/)

Maybe you’re a wilderness guide. Chances are you’re not. But wouldn’t it be nice to have the skills of one? This book, written by a guide with 65 years of wilderness experience, will help you plan, prepare, and troubleshoot your next outing like a professional. Wilderness trips are often only as successful as the trip leader and guide makes them, so plan your next adventure with advice from the best.


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