By HuntPost on Wednesday, 19 January 2022
Category: Bowhunting.Net

Cooking with SusieQ: Gladys’ Hot Beef Jerky

By SusieQ

Gladys’ Hot Beef Jerky Recipe submitted by Gladys Brehm

Gladys’ Hot Beef Jerky Ingredients:

3 pounds London Broil
1/2 cup Colgin Liquid Smoke
1/2 pound brown sugar
3 cups soy sauce
3 tablespoons black peppercorn mix
1 tablespoons red pepper Flakes

Gladys’ Hot Beef Jerky Directions:

Cut London Broil into thin slices.
Mix all ingredients, except meat, into a container and blend well.
Add meat and marinade into a container and allow to marinate for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.
Remove meat from the marinade and place onto dehydrator racks.
Dry in Dehydrator for 4-6 hrs, turn once while drying.

Gladys Brehm

Original link