By HuntPost on Friday, 02 February 2024
Category: Bowhunting.Net

3 Hacks to Maximize the Great American Outdoor Show

The NRA Great American Outdoor Show lasts for nine days with so much to see, you can spend the full day and not get done what you intended.  I’ve been a regular at this event for 40 years and have learned a few tricks to maximize my success.  First, decide what is most important to you.  Just seeing all the cool new bows, fishing gear, and great adventures is entertaining, yet are there specific things you’d like to buy or do?

Terrific Website

First, go the website for all the details about the show.  You can buy tickets, learn about parking and other logistics.  On the website, begin with “Explore the Show” or click here.  Your first thought when you see 986 exhibits, may be “Holy Cow, there are a lot of exhibits,” and you’d be correct.  Let’s say you want to visit Alaska.  On the opening page you will find several Alaskan hunting and fishing guides and David Lazer who specializes in guided Alaska travel.  He’s an Alaska native, big game guide, and very knowledgeable of the nuances of Alaska.  He provides a “boots on the ground” tour that cruise ships can’t.  Mark the booth number of the people you’d like to talk with and visit them first.

Get the Big Picture

The “2024 Event Floor Plan” tab will give you the big picture of the show and allow you to concentrate on the areas you like most.  If you are searching for a new shotgun, you want the firearms hall and using the list in number one, find the booth number for your favorite brands.  Likewise, if archery is your passion, and we hope it is, head for the Archery section upon arrival.  Generally, the longer the show last, the busier it gets.

Afternoons and Evenings are Less Crowded

What if you wanted to book a crossbow hunting safari in Africa? You will have 25 outfitters to choose from and you will have numerous questions.  Crowds at the show lessen in afternoon and especially in the evening.  Since the show is open until 7 pm on weekdays, planning to visit the last several hours of the show will give you more time with the vendors you seek.  Instead of taking a full day from work, you may be able to accomplish your goals by taking a half day.  Most booths are manned by owners and operators, so you will get to “speak with the boss” until the show closes.  If you are making a significant hunt purchase, you may want to discuss your plans one day and return a few days later once you and your friends have made a decision.

The NRA Great American Outdoor Show is the largest fishing and hunting show in the world, and I hope that these three tips help make it more successful for you.  BHN wishes you safe travels and a productive visit.

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