By Lynn Murphy on Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Category: Catch of the Day

White Crappie

White crappie (Pomoxis annularis) are a popular freshwater game fish found in various bodies of water across North America. Here are some key characteristics and information about white crappie:

  1. Appearance: White crappie have a distinctive appearance characterized by a silvery body with vertical bars or stripes along their sides. These bars may vary in number and intensity but typically range from 5 to 10. Their dorsal fin is deeply notched with 6 spines, and they have a relatively small mouth.
  2. Habitat: White crappie inhabit a wide range of freshwater environments, including lakes, reservoirs, rivers, ponds, and slow-moving streams. They are often found near structure such as submerged vegetation, fallen trees, brush piles, docks, and rocky areas.
  3. Behavior: White crappie are opportunistic feeders that primarily consume small baitfish, insects, crustaceans, and zooplankton. They are known to school in open water or suspend near structure, particularly during feeding times. White crappie are more tolerant of turbid or murky water conditions compared to black crappie.
  4. Spawning: White crappie typically spawn in late spring to early summer when water temperatures reach around 60-65°F (15-18°C). They spawn in shallow water near submerged vegetation, brush, or other cover. Male crappie build nests on the substrate, and females deposit eggs, which are fertilized by the males.
  5. Fishing Techniques: Anglers use a variety of techniques to catch white crappie, including casting jigs, fishing with live minnows or baitfish, trolling, and using bobbers or floats. Light tackle and finesse presentations are often effective when targeting crappie. White crappie are known for their delicate bite, so anglers must be attentive to subtle strikes.
  6. Regulations: Fishing regulations for white crappie vary by location and may include limits on harvest size, possession limits, and seasonal closures. Anglers should familiarize themselves with local fishing regulations and obtain the necessary licenses or permits before fishing for crappie.

Overall, white crappie are prized by anglers for their fighting ability, tasty flesh, and widespread distribution. They provide excellent opportunities for both novice and experienced anglers and are a popular target species in freshwater fisheries throughout North America. 

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