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Washington State Spring Bear Fall Update


As you may recall, last spring hunters in Washington lost their spring bear season when the Commission voted 5-4 in favor of not having a spring bear season.  The commission is meeting again on November 18th to discuss development of a spring bear policy.  This despite over 48 years of data supporting that the spring bear hunt does not negatively impact the population.  Interestingly enough, no public comment will be taken at this meeting.  

Spring bear hunts are one of the easiest hunts for the anti-hunting crowd to go after.  Well funded, multi-media campaigns that incorrectly portray what really goes on during these hunts make it easy for the well-organized anti-hunters to make their voices heard loud and clear.  

We as hunters need to stay on top of these various meeting dates and comment periods.  It is more important than ever to make your voice heard even if you don’t live or hunt in the state that is impacted.  The anti-hunters are utilizing technology to solicit huge numbers of comments from people that have nothing to do with the States under attack.  Washington, Oregon and California are the easiest targets right now.  

To stay on top of all the different ways our hunting is under attack, including the spring bear season in Washington, I suggest you follow Howl for Wildlife, a non-profit that is dedicated to preserving our hunting rights.  They are focused on the issues that are affecting hunters across the US, including a multitude of different species.  They provide users with many different sample emails and comments to submit.  It is an easy and fast way to help preserve your hunting heritage.  

So, do your part and get involved, the more of us that sit on the sidelines on these issues will ultimately result in more of us sitting on the sidelines as our hunting heritage is taken away from us, one hunt at a time.  

The post Washington State Spring Bear Fall Update appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.


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