By Outdoor Life on Friday, 03 January 2020
Category: Outdoor Life

Three Reasons to Get a Replaceable-Blade Knife

If you don’t know how to sharpen a knife, or simply don’t want to take the time to give a blade an edge, a replaceable-blade knife might be just what you need. (Outdoor Edge/)

Knowing how to sharpen a knife is an essential skill for any outdoorsman, chef, security professional, craftsman, or any activity where carrying a blade is part of the job. But it’s not always convenient to lug around sharpening stones or other devices, and that’s where replaceable-blade knives stand out. With surgically sharp spare blades that nest in the sheath, you can get as many as a dozen blade changes out of one handy package. They take seconds to swap out, ensuring that you always have a razorlike edge on hand when it counts.

Always Sharp

To get more life from a replaceable blade, run it over a ceramic rod or give it a light sharpen when you’re home. (Outdoor Edge/)

Thin, stainless-steel blades are easily changed in the field, eliminating the need to sharpen. However, to really get the most life out of a single blade, store it back in the sheath after removal and then re-sharpen once or twice on a ceramic rod or diamond stone at home before finally disposing of it.


A replaceable-blade knife handle is usually light and easy to grip. (Havalon/)

Replaceable-blade knife handles are usually made of thermoplastic rubber or some other synthetic material that is both lightweight and durable. They are so light that it’s easy to carry one as a back-up blade reserved only for critical slicing functions while packing a more robust knife or multi-tool for the more demanding tasks.

Multiple Uses

The great thing about replaceable blades is you can use the same knife to tackle different tasks, just by trading out the edge. (Outdoor Edge/)

Most replaceable blades are just iterations of the same cutting edge. A knife combo set sold with regular blades as well as skinning and saw blades gives you a versatile cutting implement for the widest range of applications.

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