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The Guardian Firearm Retention Program Fixes the Mistake Most Gun Owners Make

Carrying a firearm is a right and a responsibility. Unfortunately, most firearm training focuses on drawing and firing weapons at various distances. Most people forget, or completely ignore, that the decision to use a firearm for self-defense usually happens after a verbal altercation has escalated out of control. When this happens, the threat is either in personal space or physically attacking and eliminates the opportunity to draw and aim a weapon effectively. Now, there is a higher probability that an attacker can obtain the firearm.
Knowing how to draw and fire a weapon safely is not enough. Anyone carrying a firearm must be able to maintain complete control over their weapon at all times. The Self Defense Company has introduced the solution to complete weapon retention through their Guardian Firearms Retention Program.
The Guardian Firearms Retention program provides an efficient and easy-to-digest set of lessons that are simple enough to implement immediately and effectively. The curriculum covers handgun and long gun retention for any possible scenario, either standing or on the ground. There is a strong emphasis on non-lethal defensive tactics to prevent a firearm from being taken and preventing the overall use of a firearm in a conflict.
There is no substitute for proper training. The Self Defense Company understands that the first step to avoiding a potentially deadly interaction is altogether avoiding the situation. However, they also know that it is not always a possibility. The Guardian Firearm Retention program allows carriers to keep their firearms on them at all times, making even the most dangerous situation much less deadly. Usually $199, the Guardian Firearm Retention program is available for only $67, with lifetime access and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Featured Courses:
How to Size Up a Threat How to Create Space with the Softest Part of the Hand How to Use Head Butts in Close Quarters Proactive vs. Reactive Tactics Defense against Front and Rear Assaults Ground Situations Simulated Tactical Training Primary Counter Attack Skills Handgun Retention (both holstered and un-holstered) Long Gun Retention (no harness)About The Self Defense Company
The Self Defense Company provides practical and realistic personal protection solutions through live and online tactical training and concealed body armor systems for every day. Founded in 2007 by Damian Ross and his wife Angela, with the motto, “You don’t need a blackbelt,” The Self Defense Company provides essential self-defense life-saving tools through instructional training in The Self Defense Training System (SDTS) and concealed ballistic protection for citizens, teachers, students, and commuters with their Bodyguard Brand patented bulletproof backpacks and jackets. Damian Ross is a lifelong martial artist, defensive tactics instructor, coach, bodyguard, first responder, inventor, and the author of the official “Self Defense for Dummies.”
For more information on Bodyguard Armored Backpacks and Jackets, please visit
For more information of the Self Defense Training System, please visit
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