By Lynn Murphy on Friday, 02 February 2024
Category: Hunt of the Day

Red Brocket Deer

The Red Brocket Deer (Mazama americana) is a species of brocket deer found in various parts of the Americas, including South America. Here are some key characteristics and information about the Red Brocket Deer:

Physical Characteristics:

  1. Size: Red Brocket Deer are small to medium-sized deer with a body length ranging from 90 to 120 cm (35 to 47 inches) and a shoulder height of about 50 to 70 cm (20 to 28 inches).
  2. Coloration: The coat of the Red Brocket Deer can vary, but it typically has a reddish-brown or grayish-brown color. Some individuals may have a reddish hue on their neck and shoulders.
  3. Antlers: Unlike some other deer species, Red Brocket Deer have small, unbranched antlers that are straight and spike-like. These antlers are usually covered in velvet.

Habitat: Red Brocket Deer are adaptable and can be found in various habitats, including tropical rainforests, savannas, and wooded areas. They are primarily found in South America, ranging from Mexico through Central America to parts of South America, including Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.


  1. Nocturnal: Red Brocket Deer are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night. This behavior helps them avoid predators.
  2. Solitary: These deer are typically solitary animals, and males may become more territorial during the breeding season.

Diet: Red Brocket Deer are herbivores with a diet consisting of leaves, fruits, and vegetation. They are known to feed on a variety of plant species available in their habitat.

Reproduction: The breeding season, or rut, for Red Brocket Deer varies depending on the region. Mating behaviors include vocalizations and marking territory. Females typically give birth to a single fawn after a gestation period of about 210 days.

Hunting: In some regions, Red Brocket Deer are hunted for their meat and, to a lesser extent, for their hides. Hunting is subject to regulations and conservation efforts to ensure sustainable practices.

It's important to note that while hunting may occur, conservation measures and responsible management are crucial to maintaining healthy populations of Red Brocket Deer and other wildlife species. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these animals and their ecosystems. 

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