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Marine and Son Compete at National Matches While Boosting Marksmanship Awareness

This year, MSgt Nick Capko, 38, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, returned to the Camp Perry National Matches after more than a decade from his debut – marking just his second trip to the annual event that’s been a marksmanship tradition in Ohio for over a century.

His main purpose of returning was the same one that brought him to the grounds of historical Camp Perry in the first place – representing the U.S. Marine Corps as a member of the marksmanship team.

“I wasn’t ready for college, and it was something that I was interested in doing. It was something to get started on my life,” he said of his initial beginnings in the Marines. “That was ultimately why I chose the Marine Corps – the challenge that was laid out for me.”

Nick first competed at the National Matches in 2010 as a member of the Marine Corps team.

Nick has been a Marine for 20 years. Before that, he had never fired a gun – taking his first shots during boot camp. After checking into a unit that was deployed, leaving him behind, he went on to supplement his time by training others on the range.

“There, someone said to me, ‘Hey, you should get on the Marine Corps Shooting Team,’” he explained.

Nick has been a Marine for the last 20 years, joining because of the challenges the service offers.

A few years later, he began his competitive shooting career. He did well enough to eventually be recruited by the Marine Corps Shooting Team in 2010 as one of the summer augments, where he was able to get a taste of the Camp Perry National Matches – a staple event in the marksmanship world since 1907.

He returned to the Fleet Marine Corps for the next decade but now serves as the staff non-commissioned officer in charge of the Marine Corps Shooting Team. Despite the Marine’s bullseye pistol team being out of commission for the last year and a half – Nick’s main objective as a leader is to have the Marine Corps represented at the National Matches each year.

With Caleb the oldest of Nick’s kids and heading off on his own in a few years, Nick decided to bring him to the National Matches.

“As long as we can fit it into our budget, we’re going to continue to represent the Marine Corps at interservice and national competitions,” he said.

He began the prospective revival of the service’s bullseye program in 2022 by bringing a team to Camp Perry that consisted of two current Marines on the Pistol Team as well as some former members.

“For my first time, it was very special for me – especially with my dad,” Caleb said of the National Matches.

“Making sure we’re represented here is important to me and important to the Marine Corps,” he said. “Honestly, I had a lot of people coming up to me, so it’s important to everybody who comes to Camp Perry to see the Marine Corps here.”

Also riding along with Nick on the trip was his son, Caleb, 15.

Caleb participated in the pistol Small Arms Firing School during his Camp Perry trip.

“He’s always shown an interest in shooting,” Nick said. “I figured, let’s get him out here and introduce him to competitive shooting so that he can start to master those fundamentals and have some fun while doing so.”

“I only have a couple of years left with him before he’s moving on to start his own life,” Nick went on. “(Camp Perry’s) a week where it’s just me and him – out here having fun and getting to know each other better.”

At home, Caleb enjoys shooting but is also involved in baseball and video gaming.

Caleb had never been to the National Matches before and, in fact, had no other competitive shooting experience before heading to Camp Perry.

“I wanted to come for fun because I was kind of tired of being cooped up at home doing nothing,” Caleb joked. “(Camp Perry) was an opportunity to come out and shoot with my dad, so I took it.”

Caleb says no matter what his future holds, he’d like to return to the National Matches.

Though he sometimes shoots at home using rifles or shotguns, Caleb used his time at Camp Perry to learn more about the sport – taking part in the pistol Small Arms Firing School and other .22 events. He already had a lot of the information on firearms he had learned from his dad, but he also picked up a few new things.

“There were times that we were shooting at the same time on separate ranges, and he didn’t have any issues,” Nick said. “He was able to shoot through the course, but not only that, he shot well and improved.”

Nick is currently doing his best to assemble a Marine Corps Bullseye team – stressing the importance of their presence at Camp Perry.

The two also stayed in the huts on base, soaking in each part of what makes the National Matches an exceptional event.

“For my first time, it was very special for me – especially with my dad,” Caleb said. “I definitely want to come back.”

Each year, the U.S. Marine Corps hosts a rifle camp for juniors at the National Matches.

Though he doesn’t have an idea of what he’d like to do in the future, Caleb said he might want to go to college and join the Marine Corps as an officer. No matter what he chooses, he already has set in his mind that he’ll be returning to Camp Perry, even as an adult.

“With my 60-year-old dad,” he said, poking fun at Nick.

“I’ll still win though!” Nick joked back.

“I’m super proud of him. He did great,” Nick added, genuinely, of Caleb. “I can’t wait to see what he does next year.”

The U.S. Marine Corps at the National Matches:

Over its existence, the U.S. Marine Corps has cultivated a respected reputation as a highly skilled command of marksmen and women. Its marksmanship teams have long been representing the superior standards of the Marines at the National Matches – helping others on the range enhance their own fundamentals during competition and through training courses.

Marines are recognizable figures at Camp Perry in such clinics as the Small Arms Firing School and its own USMC Junior Highpower Clinic – a popular choice among youth athletes. The three-day clinic gives focus to more advanced training, including weather conditions, equipment use and shooting positions, while also implementing live firing on the range at 200, 300 and 600 yards.

Outside of guiding others, Nick stressed the value of Marines attending the National Matches to gain worthy lessons of their own.

“With the Marine Corps Shooting Team, we have two missions – to represent the Marine Corps, which we do through competition, and the other part is instruction. We’re teaching Marines. But, who teaches us?” he said.

“We learn by coming to these competitions and competing against some of the best in the country – some of the best in the world. We talk with them, we ask them about how they practice, how they train – what are they working on with their trigger grip. And we take that information back and we work on it, and then we’re able to deliver that to the Marine Corps.”

“At matches that are at this high level, you’ve got the best marksmanship minds in the country at a single location. It’d be foolish of us to not come and pick their brains,” Nick added.

In his attempt to build a team ready to compete at notable events, Nick is searching for more than ability in his recruits – he needs the full embodiment of the Marines.

“Having Marines who are specialized in shooting accurately is something that’s going to bring value to the Marine Corps,” Nick said. “Especially with what the Marine Corps is looking for, which is preparing Marines for combat. We want to make sure we’re helping Marines be able to deliver a shot, not just quickly, but accurately.”

He went on, “The residual benefit (of coming to the National Matches) is the public outreach because that’s one of the things that we look for in every Marine that we recruit to the shooting team – their character. We look at character over talent. We’ve got to have the right Marines who leave a favorable impression to the public on who the Marine Corps is and the professionalism that we carry and pride ourselves in.”

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto

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(Originally posted by HLNews)


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