By HuntPost on Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Category: RV Industry News

Here’s What Remote Work Looks Like Today

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Remote Work Has Moved From Sticks And Bricks To The RV

If you’re an RV enthusiast, the allure of remote work is likely very high on your list, and with good reason. What could be better than taking your office with you wherever you go? Today, the phrase work from home has rapidly morphed into remote work because with an RV, you don’t have to be “home” to do it.

Remote work tips from an expert

With so many remote work options these days, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. That’s when getting expert advice comes in handy.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the best remote work options for RVers. Additionally, we interviewed Camille Attell—a full-time RVer since 2016, founder of the RV blog and remote work expert, and asked her to share her research and insights.

Buckle up because we are going to have some fun exploring your remote work journey!

Do you have to be a digital nomad to work remotely?

There are a few things to consider before you start your remote work journey. The first consideration is whether or not you want to be a digital nomad. This term gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean?

A digital nomad is someone who uses technology to earn a living and can work from anywhere. The term is often used to describe a 20-something influencer who whisks around the world snapping away on Instagram. Maybe that describes you, and that’s awesome if it does. However, perhaps you’re someone who’d rather take in the beauty and splendor of North America, park your rig, and leave your phone at the dinette.

Taking it slow and easy not only improves your experience, but it’s also good for remote work technology needs, too. Going slow and enjoying the sites gives you the opportunity to plan your route and research the all important internet and cell service capabilities you’ll need to do your job.

Technology is key to remote work

Having reliable technology is key to your ability to work whenever and wherever you want. You don’t have to be a digital nomad to get online and get to work. You just have to make sure your boss is happy and your business keeps running.

We asked Camille about her experience when she first went on the road:

“When my husband Bryce and I first started we were super naive. We only had eight gigs of data between us and figured we could use the Wi-Fi at the RV park. Boy, were we wrong! We quickly upgraded to an unlimited data plan, started using our phones as hotspots, and got an antenna to boost our signal. After that, it was smooth sailing, except for the time I had to work outside of a grocery store near Badlands, South Dakota.”

The first step in your remote work journey

Now that you know you don’t have to be a digital nomad, and having reliable technology is best, the next step is to figure out the best remote work for you…or is it?

Camille tells us that the first mistake that people often make is looking for only the “best” jobs. The second mistake is only looking online to find them. Camille adds,

“This leaves people feeling discouraged because they find jobs that are written for a purple unicorn (the perfect person), which makes them feel like they don’t have the skills, aren’t qualified, and no one would hire them. People who make the transition to remote work will likely see a lot of business gurus online telling them that they can make a million dollars practically overnight, which leaves them feeling suspicious and concerned about potential scams.”

So, what’s a person to do if they feel discouraged or suspicious? According to Camille, the first step is to take an inventory of your skills and re-discover what you like, what you are good at, and what is marketable in a remote world. People often underestimate the skills they already have and how they can use those skills in new ways to get a job, start a business, or using a combination of various job types to achieve your goals.

The bottom line is that the first step isn’t to look for remote jobs or start a business. There is no “best” job for RVers because everyone is different. Starting with your own goals and priorities first puts you in the driver’s seat. If you’re looking for more ideas and inspiration about your remote work journey, click here to take Camille’s free remote work training.

Avoid this mistake when transitioning to remote work

After you complete your skills inventory, then you can narrow down your list and explore job types and titles on platforms like LinkedIn and Upwork. Camille says she likes those platforms because they offer both full-time and contract options and give people ideas about jobs they could do or even a business they could start.

Once you find job types that appeal to you, you can start to “reinvent your identity,” as Camille likes to say, to align with the job types you are looking for. She goes on to explain,

“One of the biggest mistakes that I see people make is getting too attached to their work identity. For example, continuing to call yourself a teacher, office administrator, or truck driver, even if you plan to leave your current job, or have already left keeps you tied to an identity that you may be ready to shed. This can block people from seeing new opportunities.”

The skills inventory will help someone reinvent their identity, and so too will modifying your resume and LinkedIn profile to better align with the job titles or client work you want to do.

The easiest remote jobs for RVers

While there isn’t really a list of the “best” types of remote jobs or businesses for RVers, there are certainly options that make a lot of sense for RVers, including:

Virtual Assistant Social Media Manager Freelance Writer Graphic Designer Web Developer Consultant Business Coach/Mentor Ecommerce


This is not an exhaustive list, and Camille even hesitates giving a list because she says she cannot predict all the job types or business ideas that people will come up with.

“I’ve worked with people who have gone on to do things that I never pictured for them, like:

Dog massage teacher Genealogist Instructional designer Leadership development trainer Financial advisor


The possibilities are practically endless!”

Should you start a blog or YouTube channel?

If you love RVing, or are planning to RV, you may already be following a lot of content creators online. Maybe you read blogs or binge-watch YouTube, or perhaps you’re thinking about starting your own channel.

We asked Camille her opinion, since she started a blog and has a YouTube channel. Camille’s response was a thunderous “MAYBE”.

“A blog or YouTube channel isn’t an immediate source of income for most people. First, you have to know what you’re doing, and second, you have to be willing to work really hard and for a long time before you see the fruits of your labor. It’s not that people shouldn’t consider their own platform, it’s just that most will fail in the first 1-2 years because they underestimate the work involved. They may not have the luxury to let something grow over time. But, if you have the vision and commitment, building your own online presence can lead to many opportunities.”


Remote work is everywhere and the data suggests it will only continue to grow. The best approach to getting started is to know your skillset, and then match it to the job types and business ideas that align with you.

Camille encouraged RV LIFE readers to “Never underestimate your skills and always negotiate your pay.” Now is the best time to take advantage of the remote work options that are available. If you need help getting started, check out Camile’s Free Remote Work Training on RV LIFE Masterclass.


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The post Here’s What Remote Work Looks Like Today appeared first on RV LIFE.

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