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Bergara B-14 Wilderness Ridge Rifle Review (Eastmans’ Hunting Journals)

This rifle review features Bergara’s B-14 Wilderness Ridge Rifle. This rifle boasts high-quality steel and a one-piece fluted bolt for maximum accuracy in an affordable factory package. It’s designed to be tough as nails and minimized for weight to tackle any hunt you can dream up. Each stock is hand painted and features a soft-touch feel for improved grip. Eastmans’ Todd Helms put the rifle through its paces at the range and wasn’t disappointed.

The post Bergara B-14 Wilderness Ridge Rifle Review (Eastmans’ Hunting Journals) appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1181 Hits

October Playbook for Big Bulls

Frustration we really starting kick into high gear on us. With a lack of elk, and more and more miles being put on the horses, our hearts, minds and stock were getting worn down to the breaking point, and now we were starting to fight amongst ourselves, a true recipe for disaster. As stubborn as we could possibly be, we were sure those bulls we had seen in September had to be in here somewhere. Our desperate searches had turned up piles of cows and small bulls but the big guys were nowhere to be found. And add to this, there seemed to be a giant late October snow mass rapidly boiling over the top of the Tetons. Our desperation turned to anger as we both realized this hunt was just about over for all involved. These bulls would be as safe as ever as the elk season was set to close in mere hours amidst a classic Gros Ventre whiteout. The fact of the matter was, these bulls, whereever in the hell they are were as safe as Fork Knox gold for this year. 

Not having a solid game plan and lack of understanding of elk behavior had cost me yet another elk hunt on my home turf in the Teton valley of Wyoming. A sure elk Mecca had dealt me yet another blow to the ego and now I had a ton of calculus homework to catch up on before morning. The good news, I was only 17 years old and had a lot to learn about elk, with an entire elk hunting career ahead of me. This setback, while devastating at the time, was sure to be temporary. But college in Indiana was ahead of me, and my elk learning curve would be postponed for the better part of a decade. Rule numero uno in elk hunting is of course patience. 

Back then my learning curve as an elk hunter was just starting. Now with nearly 35 years of elk hunting under my belt, that hunt would have surely turned out differently. What I failed to realize then is the behavior of bulls and it changes throughout the month of October. The month of October is a transition month for bull elk, as they go from nearly peak rut activity in the first week to nearly complete isolation during the final week of October and well into November. 

Each week of the month will present a different behavior pattern and the effective hunter must alter his or her hunting strategies slightly to adjust to these changes. 

The First Week: This week is probably the favorite by far for most elk hunters. This week the elk will usually be doing elk things, the rut. The bulls will still be with the cows and running around like mad trying to breed every hot cow left in the herd. The bull knows the rut is winding down but he is not ready for it to end. The strategy here is mostly to look, listen and feel. Glass for elk herds in the meadows, slides and bare ridge tops. The elk will gravitate to the best feed. Water is no longer a huge issue in most areas as the frost and snow have come home to roost for the winter. With the cold temperatures the elk seem to like the south-facing slopes more and more, and the dark deep timber we hunted in September is now longer the top of the ticket. Listening for elk deep in a pocket or canyon is very effective. I try to do much less calling now and more listening and glassing. These elk will be very patternable and less likely to travel like nomads from drainage to drainage like they did in September’s hot Indian summer days. Once you find a herd, be patient, size up the bull and make a game plan that is rock solid. These elk will tend to stay put for days on end so you have the time to work them properly. 

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  830 Hits

Bow Kills! Bulls and Bugles – Bow hunting at it’s best!

Bow hunting the elk rut might be as good as it gets! Watch twenty elk bow hunts in less than twenty minutes. This video is packed with bugling bulls and close encounters to get your heart pounding!

The post Bow Kills! Bulls and Bugles – Bow hunting at it’s best! appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  961 Hits

Hunt Maps for Free! Far Wide App Review

This review features the Far Wide mapping app. This is a FREE mobile and desktop mapping app built for hunters by hunters. Far Wide features the map layers and tools hunters rely on. Drop markers, draw lines, and make a plan for your next hunt. Far Wide also features its own outdoor hunting community. Share your trophy and field photos right inside the app.


The post Hunt Maps for Free! Far Wide App Review appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1562 Hits

Bow Sider Giveaway

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The post Bow Sider Giveaway appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1201 Hits

Where Did All The Mule Deer Go?

Buck Uncle Billy Kolues killed he is in the center

Circa. 1960 – As my father and I drove towards Cora, Wyoming I had vivid dreams of hunting giant snow-bound mule deer bucks. Although only 12 years old and not yet legal to hunt for another two years it was a true treat for me to even be allowed to tag along on such an adventure with my father. Our final destination was to be the famed Red Desert for the late season deer hunt.  However, let it be noted that I later found out he brought me alone not so much for companionship but for my ability to help shovel out the snow-bound truck and help to put on the shiny truck jewelry – aka chains. Our “old school” rig, a bright shiny new 1958 yellow half-ton two-wheel-drive Chevy pickup steadily groaned down the ice-packed highway at a blazing rate of nearly 35 miles per hour. Dad would have to pull over and scape the windshield from the inside about every 30 minutes, further expanding the painfully long dark drive to our destination. 

I knew what I was in for on one of these excursions, however. Whenever Dad would get stuck in the massive snowdrifts out came the shovels with me doing most of the digging and pushing. You see my father always pushed the envelope. Whether guiding in Alaska in the ‘50s and going down in the Arctic Ocean or helping to open up the Northwest Territory to hunting. So, when it came to hunting the late season desert it was always pedal to the metal until we got no farther. This meant I could easily count on at least two, three or maybe four times worth of shoveling and excruciating pushing sessions on the old Chevy desperately trying to get it out of snow drifts each and every day of hunting. 

In 1960 the local rumor was that massive volumes of mule deer would pile out of the numerous Wyoming mountain ranges slowly following the creek drainages down to the massive wind-swept openness of the Red Desert of southern Wyoming each December. 

It was the 15th of December as we stopped at the small town of Cora, Wyoming to fuel up with gas. A large round thermostat on the side of the gas station pointed to -31 degrees. 

As the station attendant came out all bundled up like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, Dad jumped out of the tuck and said, “I hear there is a lot of mule deer around here. Where can I find them?” 

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  1170 Hits

Buck Hunting Knife Giveaway

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The post Buck Hunting Knife Giveaway appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1229 Hits

CWD: Transporting Game Across State Lines

So you finally get to go on your long awaited western big game hunt AND you’re successful, congratulations but you may not be out of the woods just yet. Are you CWD savvy? In other words, do you know the rules and regulations surrounding one of the hottest topics in hunting today regarding the transport of your meat, cape/hide and antlers or horns? You had certainly better know or stiff fines, upward of $1000, and misdemeanor charges could be in your future not to mention the possible confiscation of your prized animal. 

How do you avoid being in violation of CWD regulations? Well for starters the days of field dressing an animal and transporting it whole across state lines are over. Even quarters and whole heads are subject to fines. You’ll need to do a bit more work or have your animal processed completely before you bring it home across state lines. 

If you’re the DIY type you’ll need to do the following in order to be in compliance. (Be sure to check with your state and the states you’ll be traveling through on what you can and cannot bring back with you before you go. Most state game agency’s websites have rules and guidelines posted, if not, call!)

Remove ALL bones from the meat of your animal. Deboning your quarters and remove backstraps from the spine, leaving only meat. No Lymphs/Glands! You’ll also need to remove the various lymphs from your meat and cape. There is one in each front quarter and one in each rear quarter, two in the throat and four in the face of most cervids like deer and elk. No eyes or brain matter. If you’re going to mount your trophy you’ll need a clean skull cap and cape. If you’re doing a European mount you’ll have to remove the brain and eyes and clean the skull thoroughly for transport. 

If you have some extra time in your schedule the smart play is to have your animal completely processed before you bring it home. Consider having a local taxidermist do your mount whether it’s a Euro or traditional skin mount. This will add cost and time to your hunt as the finished product will either need to be shipped or you’ll have a return trip to pay for and you’ll most likely have to wait a couple days for a processor to butcher your animal. 

The benefits to this approach are numerous; you’ll have more time to sight see, relax, hunt small game or fish on your western vacation, you’ll be supporting even more of the local economy with your hunting dollars and by spending more time and money you just might create relationships with local business and landowners that could lead to increased opportunities in the future. Not everyone will have the luxury of spending extra time or money but if you can it’s the right play. 

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Kryptek Review: Sonora Hooded Shirt


This review features Kryptek’s Sonora Hooded Shirt. This is a lightweight hooded shirt perfect for warm early season hunting but it doubles as a baselayer as the seasons turn cooler. It features buttons instead of a traditional zipper for temperature regulation and maximum comfort. The hood offers concealment as well protection from the sun and elements. Brandon Mason was a big fan of the thumb holes on this shirt as well.

Get your Kryptek Sonora Hooded Shirt for FREE here:

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  1309 Hits

Eastmans’ Journal Updated: EHJ 187

Hunt elk deep in grizzly bear country with Ike Eastman. It’s a public land DIY hunt in a limited quota elk hunting area. An early fall snow storm adds an extra challenge to the bow hunting season.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The outdoors has always had my full attention. I was born and raised in eastern Colorado and started hunting and fishing with my dad and uncles before I was even out of diapers. Over the years my passion for hunting blossomed into a dream which is being able to guide hunters full time every fall. I am so blessed to get to spend as much time in the field each year as I do and have had the unique privilege of sharing my passion for the outdoors with some great guys in my career.

We hurried and got the sticks set and Jesse steadied his gun just in time to see the buck turn and start to leave the trees, now walking towards us. He reached over to bite off the top off a weed which diverted his attention from us just long enough. He got to the edge of the trees 160 yards away and slightly quartering-to when he finally saw us. It was too late however as Jesse had settled his crosshairs on the buck’s shoulder and was probably already starting to squeeze when the buck locked his eyes on us. The thud was unmistakable as we watched the buck stumble back into the trees and out of sight. Jesse quickly cycled another round and we stayed set up for a couple minutes (it was honestly probably more like 10 seconds) waiting to see if he would run out of little tree island. We tried to gather our composure as much as we could before heading in after him but that was almost impossible to do. We soon found out the buck had stumbled about 10 yards and ended up in nearly the same spot he had bedded. We were both ecstatic as Jesse got to put his hands on his 210” eastern Colorado muley! 

To read the rest of this article, Get our EHJ/EBJ Combination Digital Subscription INTRODUCTORY OFFER!

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  1035 Hits

onX Hunt Tips


This review features the new and improved 3D mapping feature offered by the onX Hunt app. 3D maps now include layer views, including hybrid and topography. You can add, view and customize markers and tracks all in 3D mode. Whether you are hunting, camping or hiking, onX Hunt has the mapping tools you need to find success on your next outdoor adventure.


Eastmans’ Dan Pickar breaks down how to use onX Hunt to understand and read terrain when you’re hunting or scouting for an upcoming hunt. Toggling between aerial, topography and hybrid views can give you a wealth of information to help you make good decisions on the stalk or before the hunt.

The post onX Hunt Tips appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1403 Hits

Eastmans’ Bite Me- How To Cook Wild Game


The post Eastmans’ Bite Me- How To Cook Wild Game appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1247 Hits

Made in USA Hunting Knife – Buck Knvies Review

This review features two hunting knives made in the USA by Buck Knives. Eastmans’ Todd Helms breaks down the features of the brand new 656 Pursuit Pro Large Knife and the updated, classic 119 Special Pro Knife. Features like a sure grip handle and full tang design make the 956 Pursuit Pro Large Knife comfortable for the long haul. Both are all-around hunting knives made with top-quality S53VN steel and backed by the Famous Forever Warranty you expect from Buck Knives.

The post Made in USA Hunting Knife – Buck Knvies Review appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1145 Hits

40 Rifle Hunts in 20 Minutes! Eastmans’ Hunting Journal

Watch over forty hunting kills in less than twenty minutes! Elk, mule deer, moose, axis deer, mountain goat and more crammed into one video.

The post 40 Rifle Hunts in 20 Minutes! Eastmans’ Hunting Journal appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1030 Hits

Water Purification For The Backcountry Hunter

I can’t think of a situation that would be worse than living out Montezuma’s Revenge on the side of a mountain six miles into the high country. Water is the key to sustaining life in the backcountry, and poorly treated water can knock you out of the backcountry quicker than any other situation. To make matters worse, improperly cared for water in September on an early deer hunt can leave its remnants in your gut for long enough to get good old Montezuma flowing on your October elk hunt. By the way, if you don’t know what Montezuma has planned for you, feel free to Google it; you will likely enjoy the read.

So where does that take us in this unconventional Gear Lab? It brings us to several terms that you NEED to know when it comes to how seriously you want to take your health and your water needs. Ounce counters beware, I am likely to add a few ounces to your pack, but in the end, I would be willing to say that your intestines will thank me for it. 

The key word to look for in all situations is purify or purifier. When this word is present in the description, you are making the right choice, as many of the uber-lightweight treatment options DO NOT purify water. Many of the options simply treat some of the things you need to be concerned about, but not all. Bottom line is this: If you have been packing some form of the water droplets, iodine tabs or a combination of the two, you may have been missing a few creepy crawlies, viruses or the like that are swimming around in the water we use in the backcountry. Iodine is the worst culprit and has actually been banned in Europe since 2009 as a form of water treatment due to the allergies that some people have to it and the simple fact that it does not kill Giardia or Cryptosporidium.

So, which forms of water treatment kill all the nasties? Well, all Potable Aqua CIO2 Tablets, Katadyn Micropur Tablets and Aquamira CIO2 kill everything! These all use a powerful form of oxygen that kills the little pests, but there are really two kickers, the first being the most important. It can take up to four hours for Cryptosporidium to disappear from treated water. Better hope you don’t get thirsty in that time frame or you’ve rationed enough water until the Crypto is dead. The other issue is that it can’t get rid of floaties, dirt or anything else that might be in the water. Those grains of elk turd floating down from the wallow up stream may be treated, but do you really want to add them to your freeze-dried meal? 

Which brings us to the next problem—what is the best way to get rid of floaties, dirt, etc., while cleaning out as many unwanted infestations as possible? I have leaned on the MSR MiniWorks EX for about 18 months now, and it has not disappointed with proper use. There is a caveat though; this is a filter and not a purifier, meaning that if you want to get rid of viruses, you will need to use the included Aquatabs or other virus treatment method. If you feel like dropping some serious coin, you can move up to the MSR Guardian Purifier, which does it all, but that will set you back $350; it only weighs 1.3 oz more than the MiniWorks. Taking the step up from a filter to a true purifier is a big step but worth it. 

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  1293 Hits

Simplicity Afield – Common Sense Backpack Hunting

When it comes to pack weight, I’d be willing to bet that every seasoned backpack hunter out there has gone through some major changes over the years. I guess you could call these “evolutions or phases,” and I’d also be willing to bet that each person hit each evolution at about the same time in their backpack hunting career! Some of the changes will be made because of budget, some from experience (bad and good), others from pain and the most important would be those times that you almost die because of what you did or did not put inside your pack. All of these are important, but again, I’d bet almost everyone mirrors each other to a certain degree, and keeping things simple has probably won the day in the end. 

I’ll go ahead and give a title for some of these phases along with examples:

The poverty phase – This is pretty self-explanatory, and the final result is a very heavy pack that is great for building character and toughness, but horrible for comfort. 

The divorce phase – As you can imagine, this phase is 100% the result of fixing the first phase, but you about get divorced from spending money on lighter weight gear. 

The Q phase – The reason I’m calling this the Q phase is because you’re financially stable, and you’re buying every gimmicky piece of gear on the market … like Q from 007 designed it to save weight. 

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  1032 Hits

Mouth-watering Deer Burgers – How to cook Mike Eastman’s favorite BBQ

Mike Eastman breaks down how to cook his favorite deer burger for summer BBQs. Follow along step by step as he prepares wild game burgers and a BONUS wild hog tenderloin to cook on his Traeger. This recipe is even grand-kid approved!

The post Mouth-watering Deer Burgers – How to cook Mike Eastman’s favorite BBQ appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  1070 Hits

Mental Toughness with Fieldcraft Survival


IG: savagelester

Learn how to use mental toughness and grit to your advantage when you are hunting, camping or find yourself in a survival situation. Our friends at Fieldcraft Survival break down the importance of small victories and survival psychology.

The post Mental Toughness with Fieldcraft Survival appeared first on Eastmans' Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine | Eastmans' Hunting Journals.

  990 Hits

Welcome….to Hazard County

I gotta admit…when I first heard about a law passing in Wyoming that would allow you to pick up roadkill and take it home for supper, I couldn’t help but think we must be living in Hazard County, the home of the Dukes of Hazzard. Hahaha!

While there is merit to being able to take home recently killed wildlife on the roadways, the pitfalls of doing so are many and, quite frankly, laughable.

Obviously, you can’t just have a law that says anyone can pick up any dead animal on the side of any road so they can take them home and eat them. There needs to be some ground rules (pun intended) so that wildlife bandits aren’t taking advantage of the situation.

After reading this report from Oil City News out of Casper, WY, it becomes apparent that taking an animal home for table fare after hitting it on the highway is fairly complicated. I’m sure this was done by design in order to greatly reduce the occurrence of wild game being illegally taken home after being struck on our state’s highways and byways. 

So, I have to ask, “what’s on the spit” tonight? Meat from the grocery store, or roadkill? I guess here in Wyoming it could be roadkill. “Roadkill…it’s what’s for dinner!”

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  954 Hits

Montana Wolf Management Update

The Montana Wildlife Commission has adopted several new rules and regulations pertaining to the management of the most controversial apex predator in the state, the grey wolf. After a long debate and much opposition to the new regulations by pro-wolf advocacy groups, it was passed in a vote of 3-2 by the Commission

As a result, Montana will structure its trapping season much like Idaho’s. Each hunter and trapper can now purchase up to 10 wolf licenses per year and many new methods of harvest can be used such as snaring on public and private lands, except in specific grizzly bear recovery areas. Snaring and hunting at night including and the use of bait will also be legal now on private lands only. 

The new plans did draw criticism from the board because of the perceived lack of hunting ethics, which is a big reason why it received two votes against the measure. 

Montana’s wolf season will start the Monday after Thanksgiving and end March 15. The special quotas around Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks that were geared to take fewer wolves in high tourism areas were also done away with.

Marc Cooke with the Wolves of the Rockies group is threatening lawsuits and commented that these new mandates will decimate wolves in Montana and that “You people disgust me…” when he walked away from the public comment podium. He also pleaded with federal officials to re-list wolves under the ESA. 

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