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Peccaries are medium-sized, hoofed mammals native to the Americas. They are part of the Tayassuidae family and are often referred to as "javelinas" in some regions. Peccaries are known for their distinctive appearance and social behavior. Here are some key facts about peccaries: Physical Characteristics: Peccaries have a pig-like appearance but are...

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  301 Hits

The Rio Grande Wild Turkey

The Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) is one of several subspecies of wild turkey found in North America. It is named after the Rio Grande River, which flows through its native habitat in the southwestern United States and parts of northern Mexico. Here are some key characteristics and information about the Rio Grande wild tur...

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Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

The Eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) is a common and widely distributed species of cottontail rabbit found in eastern and central North America, including Missouri. Here are some key characteristics and information about the Eastern cottontail rabbit: Physical Description: Size: Eastern cottontails are relatively small rabbits, typ...

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  233 Hits

African Giraffe

The African Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is the world's tallest land animal and is known for its distinctive long neck, spotted coat, and towering stature. These magnificent creatures are native to the African continent and are found in various habitats, including savannas, woodlands, and grasslands. Here are some key facts and information abou...

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  221 Hits


Swans are large waterfowl known for their graceful appearance, distinctive long necks, and elegant presence on lakes, rivers, and ponds. They belong to the family Anatidae, and there are several species of swans found around the world. Some of the most well-known swan species include: Mute Swan (Cygnus olor):Mute swans are native to Europe and Asia...

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  367 Hits

Himalayan Tahr

The Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus) is a large, hoofed mammal native to the rugged mountain regions of the Himalayas in South Asia. It is part of the goat-antelope subfamily and is closely related to wild goats and sheep. Here are some key characteristics and information about the Himalayan tahr: Physical Characteristics: Appearance: Himalay...

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  326 Hits

Cape Buffalo

The Cape Buffalo, scientifically known as Syncerus caffer, is a large and robust species of bovine native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of the "Big Five" game animals and is highly sought after by big game hunters. Here are some key characteristics and facts about the Cape Buffalo: Physical Characteristics: Size: Cape Buffaloes are among the lar...

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  308 Hits

Merriam's Wild Turkey

Merriam's Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo merriami) is one of the subspecies of wild turkeys found in North America. It's named after C. Hart Merriam, a 19th-century ornithologist known for his contributions to the study of North American birds. Here are some key characteristics and information about Merriam's Wild Turkey: Range: Merriam's turkeys...

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  412 Hits

Musk Deer

Musk deer are a group of small, solitary deer species found in various parts of Asia, particularly in mountainous and forested regions. They are known for their distinctive features, including the production of musk, a valuable substance used in traditional medicine and perfumes. Here are some key characteristics and facts about musk deer: 1. Size ...

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Opossums are marsupial mammals that are native to the Americas, with several species found throughout North and South America. They are known for their unique appearance, which includes a prehensile tail, hairless ears, and a pointy snout. Opossums are often misunderstood animals, and their behavior and characteristics can vary between different sp...

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  331 Hits


Camel hunting refers to the activity of hunting wild camels, typically in regions where feral camel populations exist. In Australia, feral camels are present in certain arid and remote areas, and camel hunting is allowed under specific regulations and licenses. Here are some important points to know about camel hunting: Feral Camel Population: Aust...

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  431 Hits

Roe Deer

Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) are a species of small to medium-sized deer that are native to Europe and parts of Asia. They are commonly hunted for their meat and antlers. Here are some key facts about roe deer: Size and Appearance: Roe deer are relatively small, standing about 1.3 to 1.4 feet (40 to 45 cm) at the shoulder. They typically weigh be...

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  388 Hits


bIbex are a type of wild goat known for their impressive agility and ability to thrive in mountainous terrains. There are several species of ibex found in different regions around the world. They are often pursued by hunters for their challenging habitat and the thrill of hunting in rugged landscapes. Some of the notable species of ibex include: Al...

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  367 Hits


Jackrabbits: A Common Game Species Jackrabbits, also known as hares, are a type of hare species found in North America. While they are not true rabbits, they share some similarities in appearance and habitat. Here are some key points about jackrabbits: 1. Size and Appearance: Jackrabbits are known for their larger size compared to regular rabbits. ...

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  326 Hits

Mountain Goat

The mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) is a fascinating and agile species of ungulate that is well-adapted to living in rugged and mountainous terrain. Here are some key facts about mountain goats: 1. Distribution: Mountain goats are primarily found in the mountainous regions of North America, including the Rocky Mountains, the Cascade Range, the ...

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  324 Hits


Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola): Woodcock, also known as timberdoodles, are migratory birds that are popular among upland game bird hunters. Here are some key facts about woodcock: Appearance: Woodcocks are small, plump birds with mottled brown and gray feathers, providing excellent camouflage in their woodland habitats. They have long bills that are...

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  375 Hits


Habitat Engineers: Beavers are known as "nature's engineers" because they have a unique ability to construct complex dams and lodges using sticks, mud, and stones. These structures help create ponds and wetlands, providing habitat for many other wildlife species.Semi-Aquatic Mammals: Beavers are well-adapted to both land and water. They have webbed...

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  299 Hits

Feral Hog Hunting

1. Population Control: Feral hogs are considered an invasive species and can cause extensive damage to crops, natural habitats, and property. Hunting is one of the methods used to control their population and limit their negative impact on the environment. 2. No Season or Bag Limits: In some regions, feral hogs are not considered game animals, and ...

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  314 Hits


The armadillo is a unique and fascinating mammal native to the Americas. There are about 20 different species of armadillos, and they are characterized by their armored shell made of bony plates, which provides protection from predators. Here are some key facts about armadillos: Appearance: Armadillos have a distinctive appearance with their hard, ...

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  308 Hits


Wildebeest, also known as gnus, are a species of large antelope that belong to the genus Connochaetes. They are native to the grasslands and savannas of eastern and southern Africa and are known for their spectacular annual migration, one of the most significant wildlife events on the continent. Key features and characteristics of wildebeest includ...

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  254 Hits