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The Bicuda (Bicuda pretiosa) is a predatory fish species found in the rivers and coastal waters of South America, including Brazil. It is also known by various other names such as "Bicuda Tarpon" and "Brazilian Tarpon" due to its appearance and the similarity of its feeding habits to the Tarpon fish. Characteristics of the Bicuda: Appearance: Bicud...

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  320 Hits

Vundu Catfish

The Vundu Catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis) is a large and powerful catfish species native to various rivers and lakes across Africa. It is known for its impressive size, strength, and unique appearance, making it a popular target for anglers seeking a challenging fishing experience. Here are some key features and facts about the Vundu Catfish: S...

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  422 Hits


Roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) is a popular and sought-after game fish found in the warm waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, particularly along the coasts of Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America. Here are some key characteristics and facts about roosterfish: Appearance: Roosterfish gets its name from the long, comb-like dorsal...

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Black Drum

Black drum (Pogonias cromis) is a species of fish commonly found in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the western Atlantic Ocean, including the waters of Louisiana. Here are some key characteristics and facts about black drum: Appearance: Black drum have a dark gray to blackish body with a distinctive high hump on their back, which becom...

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  328 Hits

Bluefin Trevally

The Bluefin Trevally (Caranx melampygus), also known as the Bluefin Jack, is a popular game fish found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. It is a member of the jack family (Carangidae) and is known for its striking appearance and strong fighting capabilities, making it a sought-after catch for recreational anglers and sp...

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  310 Hits

Cutthroat Trout

Cutthroat trout fishing is a popular activity among anglers, particularly in regions where these beautiful fish are native or have been introduced. Here are some key points to know about cutthroat trout fishing: Cutthroat Trout Species: Cutthroat trout are a group of trout species native to North America. They are named for the distinctive red, ora...

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  258 Hits

White Bass

White bass, also known as sand bass, are popular game fish found in various bodies of water across North America, including Missouri. Here are some key facts about white bass: Appearance: White bass have a silver-white body with horizontal stripes running along their sides. They have a deep body shape and a forked tail. They typically grow between ...

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  312 Hits

Speckled Trout

Speckled trout, also known as spotted sea trout or simply "specks," are a popular sport fish found along the coastal areas of the southeastern United States, including Alabama. Here are some key details about speckled trout: Appearance: Speckled trout have a slender, elongated body with a prominent mouth and sharp teeth. They are characterized by t...

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  299 Hits

Artic Flounder

The Arctic flounder (Pleuronectes glacialis) is a species of flatfish that inhabits the Arctic Ocean and adjacent coastal waters. It is a close relative of other flounder species found in various regions around the world. Here are some key characteristics of the Arctic flounder: Physical Appearance: The Arctic flounder has a distinctive flattened b...

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Arctic grayling

Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) is a species of fish found in the cold, clear rivers and lakes of the Arctic and subarctic regions. Here are some key points about Arctic grayling: Appearance: Arctic grayling have a unique and beautiful appearance. They have a slender body with a large sail-like dorsal fin, which is usually adorned with vibrant...

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  279 Hits


Triggerfish are a fascinating and diverse family of fish known for their unique appearance and behavior. Here are some key facts about triggerfish: Appearance: Triggerfish have a distinct body shape with a laterally compressed, oval-shaped body and a small mouth. They have a large head and eyes and a first dorsal fin that can be raised or locked in...

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  371 Hits

Dolly Varden

Dolly Varden is a species of char that is native to North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Here are some key details about Dolly Varden: Appearance: Dolly Varden have a distinct and attractive appearance. They typically have olive-green to blue-black backs with vibrant pink or orange spots on their sides. During spawning s...

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  235 Hits

Golden Dorado

Golden Dorado (Salminus brasiliensis) is a highly sought-after game fish known for its striking appearance, aggressive nature, and powerful fighting ability. Here are some key details about Golden Dorado: Habitat: Golden Dorado are primarily found in freshwater rivers and streams of South America, particularly in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and B...

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  301 Hits

Peacock Bass

Peacock bass (Cichla spp.) are a group of colorful and highly prized sport fish found in South America, primarily in the Amazon River basin and its tributaries. Here are some key facts about peacock bass: Species and Varieties: Peacock bass belong to the Cichlidae family and comprise several species, including the butterfly peacock bass (Cichla oce...

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  282 Hits


Amberjack refers to several species of fish belonging to the genus Seriola, which are commonly found in warm and temperate waters around the world. Here are some key facts about amberjack: Appearance: Amberjack have a streamlined and elongated body shape with a deep, narrow profile. They typically have a dark blue or greenish-blue color on their ba...

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  300 Hits

Giant Trevally

The Giant Trevally, scientifically known as Caranx ignobilis, is a predatory fish species found in tropical and subtropical waters. Here is some information about the Giant Trevally: Appearance: The Giant Trevally is a large and robust fish known for its powerful build. It has a sleek, elongated body with a prominent steep forehead. The coloration ...

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  333 Hits


Barramundi is a popular fish species that is highly sought after by anglers. Here is some information about barramundi: Appearance: Barramundi, also known as Asian sea bass, have a sleek and elongated body shape with a silver or silver-green coloration. They have a large mouth with sharp teeth and prominent scales.Habitat: Barramundi are primarily ...

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  357 Hits


Tilapia is a popular freshwater fish species that is widely cultivated and consumed around the world. Here is some information about tilapia: Description: Tilapia are small to medium-sized fish with a laterally compressed body and spiny dorsal fins. They have a sleek, silver-colored appearance and can vary in size depending on the species.Origin an...

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  458 Hits


Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) are large predatory fish found in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They are known for their distinctive appearance, powerful swimming abilities, and unique adaptations. Here are some key features and facts about swordfish: Physical Characteristics: Bill or Sword: Swordfish have a long, flat bill, also known as a swo...

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  439 Hits


Grouper is a popular species of fish found in various regions around the world. They are known for their large size, powerful swimming ability, and delicious flavor. Here are some key points about groupers: Species and Varieties: Grouper is a common name for various species in the Epinephelus and Mycteroperca genera. Some popular types of groupers ...

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  397 Hits