By Outdoor Life on Thursday, 26 September 2019
Category: Outdoor Life

3 Ways to Stay Scent Proof in the Woods

Scentless detergents get clothes clean without the perfumed odors big-game can sense in one whiff. (all/)

When it comes to hunting whitetails, the biggest challenge lies in defeating their sense of smell. That’s why we climb trees, take the long way around, scrub ourselves raw, and wash our gear with almost religious fanaticism. Or at least you should. While you can never eliminate scent entirely, a few basic precautions will go a long way toward keeping you odorless in the outdoors.

Use Scent-Free Detergent

After washing your hunting clothes in scent-free soap, store it all in a scent free bag or container far away from household odors. (Seventh Generation/)

A hunter can douse himself with fancy scent blockers all day long, but put on a pair of dirty socks, and the whole game is blown. Wash your gear with unscented detergent after every hunt, and store it in a sealed, unscented garbage bag so it won't pick up household odors from the kitchen or pets. For extra mileage, break off an evergreen bough and stash it inside the bag with your clothes; just be careful not to place the bough in such a way that sap can ooze onto your clothes. Unscented detergent also has the advantage of being safer for sensitive skin that is prone to reaction from products made with dyes or perfumes.

Hang Clothes Outdoors

If you plan to wear the same clothes day after day, hang everything outside so it doesn’t absorb unnatural odors. (all/)

If you are on a multi-day hunt, hang your clothes outside each evening, preferably under cover so nothing collects moisture from rain, snow, or dew. This simple practice can add days of low-odor hunting to apparel that might otherwise start to ripen after just a couple of afternoons of hard hunting.

Use Scent-Free Soap

Even if you have unscented clothes, remember to use unscented soap and shampoo in the shower or all that cleaning is for nothing. (Tide/)

Your clothes are only as odorless as you are. Use a simple, unscented soap or body wash habitually, all season long, to eliminate the biggest factor in scent control: your own self. Then just keep the wind on your nose and go get em'!

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