By Outdoor Life on Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Category: Outdoor Life

3 Ways to Haul and Store Firewood

You work hard to gather firewood, so don’t make the mistake or ruining it. (Amagabeli Garden & Home/)

When it comes to best practices at the home hearth, it’s a good idea to keep firewood on some sort of elevated rack. Storing wood on the ground between two trees or, worse, directly on the deck boards of a wooden porch, traps moisture. That attracts termites and invites rot. If you don’t want to go through the trouble of building your own rack, a commercial bin for either indoor or outdoor use will keep wood dry and the house free of loose bark and debris.

Outdoor Racks

Keep wood off the ground to prevent moisture buildup or insect infestation. (Landmann/)

Those heating with wood all winter probably burn more logs than most commercial racks can hold. But for the casual pyro lighting only a weekly blaze or two, a metal rack meant for outdoor firewood storage will keep wood organized and dry whenever you feel like sending a little smoke up the chimney.

Indoor Racks

An indoor rack keeps dry, split firewood handy for whenever you need to feed the flames. (Amagabeli Garden & Home/)

Anyone who burns even an occasional fire knows it's most convenient to bring it inside in stages so there is always dry wood on the hearth. For that, you need an indoor rack. Having ten to fifteen sticks of firewood at the ready can mean the difference between getting a blaze going whenever you want and struggling with damp wood freshly retrieved from the back yard.

Log Carriers

A waxed canvas and leather log carrier makes it easier to transport firewood from your large stack to your indoor rack. (Amagabeli/)

To properly stage wood from an outdoor stack to the fireside rack, a sturdy log carrier made of leather and canvas is worth its weight in gold. Fill it up once, and you'll have enough firewood for an entire evening and save your back in the process.

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