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Our Mission. The mission of American Heroes In Action is to provide therapeutic outdoor adventures to American heroes including combat wounded veterans, injured firefighters and injured members of law enforcement.

Adventures. There is a therapeutic benefit to enjoying the great outdoors. American Heroes In Action provides combat wounded veterans as well injured firefighters and members of law enforcement with hunting trips, fishing trips and other outdoor adventures.

Our Vision. In 2015 American Heroes in Action was launched to provide outdoor therapy to combat wounded veterans, injured fire fighters, members of law enforcement and other American heroes. In 2016 American Heroes in Action provided outdoor adventures for 51 participants, on 12 different adventures, in 2 different states. In 2017 American Heroes in Action has a goal to double, or more, what we accomplished in 2016. We will provide 102, or more, participants with 24, or more, adventures in 4, or more, states.

Support. American Heroes In Action needs your support. Please donate or volunteer today. You can Donate by going to our PayPal Link Below:

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