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Fawns Are Coming On Down

The normal Fawn procedure is once they are born then lay low and are rarely seen. A month after birth fawns are stronger, a little bigger, and they are learning from the Does about the the landscape and what’s around the woods where they are hanging out. Minutes after daylight today I spotted a fawn’s head bobbing around in some nearby tall grass and weeds. I eased my Sony up and got its picture.

The fawn kept watch all around but kept looking to my left. I could tell it was watching something.

I wasn’t that surprised when a Doe walked past me and went to the Fawn.

They walked into the woods to the north and disappeared. It wasn’t long until a different Fawn and Doe came from the south and browsed around eating leaves and forage.

This Fawn clearly had a handle on his foraging skills.

It was munching down leaves as well as new twigs.

Actually, I’m pretty close to this Fawn and am sitting in some nearby tasty shrubs like the Fawn is scarfing down. In the picture below the Fawn checks me out as I take another picture..

The Doe gave its secrete signal that it was ready to move on and the Fawn joined it and they both left.

I saw other Does and Fawns that were 50 yards away and further. This one strolled by at 30 yards.

At 9:00 I returned to the house and nuked 3 frozen burritos and sliced and fried up some golden potatoes. Nice.



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