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Arizona Wards Off Anti-Hunters
“We applaud the efforts of the sporting community to support the department in resisting attacks from activists trying to ban hunting.”
It appears that states like Washington could take some lessons from Arizona on dealing with rabid, anti-hunting radicals! Kudos to Arizona sportsmen/women and Arizona Game and Fish Department for not bowing to pressures demanding hunting bans on bears, mountain lions and bobcats. The good folks of Arizona stood firm and refused to give an inch. What a refreshing bit of news this is.
All too often the opposite is true these days… When the anti-hunting radicals begin their assault on scientifically based, sound game management plans, such as the controlled hunting and harvest of predators, too many states kowtow to these irrational people who are ruled by emotion instead of logic. Just last week we regretfully had to inform you about the postponement of the Spring bear season in Washington state thanks to an anti-hunting takeover of the Game and Fish commission there. It seems that everywhere we turn our hunting privilege and heritage is being trampled.
Enough is enough! We will not convert this radical mob into hunters and they will continue to use whatever means necessary to destroy hunting and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Our task, as hunters, needs to be to convert and retain those in the middle. Most of the American population is ambivalent toward hunting and those are the folks we need to win over and convert to be pro-hunting! However, the radical fringe is louder and more unified than we are and that needs to change.
Take a cue from Arizona and attend Game and Fish meetings in your state, as many as you can. Don’t just attend either, be vocal, get involved and support ALL hunting, trapping and fishing, even if it’s a type you don’t participate in. Hunters can be our own worst enemies, criticizing other hunters and creating division when we need to be a solid, unified front. Also, don’t sit idly by, doing nothing, or worse, apathetically going with the flow, that will lose us this war. Yes, it’s a war and in case you haven’t noticed, we are losing! Just look North, British Columbia lost its grizzly bear hunts a couple years ago and now the anti-hunting lunatics are slavering over the elimination of caribou and moose hunts as well.
Like Hitler in WWII there is no appeasement that can satiate these people. They are the enemy and until we come to terms with that we will continue to lose hunting seasons. Stand up, speak up! It’s time hunters affirmed our place as the rightful stewards of North American wildlife before it’s taken from us.
Arizona knew the cost of appeasement and said, NO! Thank you for setting the example Arizona, it’s time the rest of us followed your lead.
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