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American Provenance

American Provenance is a personal products company that makes clean, natural personal care products for men and women. These products are all-natural deodorants, body wash, and beard balm. American Provenance products are not made with harsh chemicals and they are aluminum free deodorants. We received a small box full of these to test out and have been using them daily for the last several weeks. The scent is light on these and not over powering which is important and they all seem to work as they should.

These products are all natural so that means no aluminum (who knew they put that in some deodorants), harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances and preservatives. It’s basically all-natural oils, coconut oil, beeswax, shea butter, arrowroot powder and natural magnesium hydroxide. Some of the products have baking soda in them.

The majority of the products are geared towards men with the beard balm and the body wash. I liked the scented products, though I am not going to use them while hunting. I could tell that the product was there when I put it on and it faded quickly, which is fine. Most importantly, at the end of the day I didn’t smell like a gym locker room even on days of heavy stress or physical activity. The beard balm smelled the best because the oil was heavier in the product and the scent lasted a little longer. The body wash was provided a nice clean smell when in use in the shower.  It lathered okay but not as well as some body washes, but it was nice knowing that chemicals are not all over my body.

We tested the deodorants, beard oil, aftershave, and body wash. The aftershave and body wash were our favorites, and the deodorant worked well. Scent combinations are wintergreen & cedar, eucalyptus & mint, sandalwood & bergomot, lemongrass & marjoram, bourbon & vetiver, bay rum & lime, oud wood & spruce, ylang ylang & clove, patchouli (YUCK) & lavender. We liked the oud wood & spruce as well as the lemongrass & marjoram the best. If you are looking for natural products and would like to skip smelling like everyone else, these are some products worth looking into. They are clean and they work. They even have an unscented version that would work for hunting. Check them out at

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(Originally posted by Kevin Paulson)


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